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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Math Fractions Homework

Math homework for tonight is a little different.  Click on the first link below and play for around 15 minutes.  You can play any of the games on that website.  Make sure you read the instructions and if you don't like the game, try another one! Some of the games will be hard, some will be easy, and some will be just right.  Try your best-- you just might get a head start on some cool fraction operations!!

 Then, click on the second link.  This link will show me that you did your homework tonight!  It is very important that you click on both links, and that you complete the second link only after you have played for about 15 minutes.

Click here first.

After you have played for 15-20 minutes, click this link to review your homework!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Tomorrow, we will have a quick math quiz on fractions. Simplifying fractions, finding equivalent fractions, and being able to write what type of fraction is shown are the skills that will be on the quiz. Try the link below to see some questions that look like the questions that will be on your quiz tomorrow!


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