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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

LA:  Final Copy (with glossary and works cited) is due today! 

Bring me your picture (either through e-mail or bring in a hard copy) for your YAN

Turn in your field trip permission slips by tomorrow!

Have a great Thursday!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday, April 6

LA:  Final copy (with glossary and works cited) is due on Thursday.  E-mail to Mrs. Rivner (

Bring back signed permission slip for Cobb County Youth Museum by Friday, April 8.

Bring in (or e-mail as an attachment) a picture for YAN book by Friday, April 8. 

Math: None
SS: None
Science: None

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday, April 5

LA:  Final Copy (with Glossay and Works Cited Page) is due on Thursday.  E-mail file to  Below are the guidelines for the works cited page and the glossary.

Math: None

SS: None

Science: None

Bring back the permission slip for the Cobb County Youth Museum by Friday!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday- April 4, 2011

LA:  Final Copy (with Glossay and Works Cited Page) is due on Thursday.  E-mail file to  Below are the guidelines for the works cited page and the glossary.

Math: None

SS: None

Science: None

Directions for the Glossary and Works Cited
For the Glossary, center the word Glossary  (at size 18 font), and press enter. Then, you will align left. Alphabetize your words, and then type each word, put a -, and then type the definition. (It’s okay if the first letter gets capitalized)
Persevere- To keep going, no matter what stands in the way.
Victory- A win.

BIBLIOGRAPHY/Works Cited PageFor, the Bibliography/Works Cited Page, center the words Works Cited (size 18, Times New Roman font) at the top of the page. Then, you will type according to the rules for Bibliographies. Once you hit the second line, you MUST press TAB so that it’s in the correct format.
Holt, Kimberly Willis. When Zachary Beaver Came to Town. New York: Yearling
          Books, 1999.