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Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Friday!

We had a great day today-- we introduced the new novel we will be using for literature circles, Number the Stars by Lois Lowry by reading and talking about King Christian X of Denmark. 

We also reviewed the calendar for the next couple of weeks.  We will have a vocab test on Unit 11 on Wednesday, and our SS test and math test (for Mrs. Rivner's math class) will be on Thursday.  The current event is due next Friday.

On Tuesday, we will have our Yom Ha'atzmaout program, and the students are to wear their white Davis tops and either jeans OR their navy bottoms.

Have a wonderful weekend!  There is no formal homework but students may spend their weekend working on studying for vocab Unit 11, their Chapter 8 SS test, or writing their song for their SS lesson.

Shabbat Shalom!


  1. Hey Missy! We have tried everything to print the Current Events #6 from the computer. The site will not allow us to print it without paying. I have never had trouble in the past with printing the other Current Event Templates. Would you please give Tristan a copy of the Current Events tomorrow? Thank you so much, Lauren

  2. Hi Lauren! I tried to embed the file on the blog. I tried it on my home computer, and you should be able to download it now. Thanks for letting me know it wasn't working. I don't know what is different with DocStoc these days!
